Sample Contract Teaming Agreement

Sample contract of an American Teaming Agreement (Cooperation Agreement) with translation into German between a general and subcontractor. Subject of the contract is the submission of a bid for the purpose of participating in a solicitation in America. The contract includes clauses on the following subjects:


Geschäftsvereinbarung Business Arrangement
Angebotsabgabe Submission of Proposal
Gegenseitige Ausschließlichkeit Mutual Exclusivity
Angebotsvorbereitungskosten Proposal Preparation Expenses
Voraussichtlicher Vertrag Prospective Contract Termination
Mitteilungen Communications
Vertrauliche Daten Proprietary Data
Kündigung Termination
Entschädigung Indemnity
Offenlegung Disclosure
Abtretung Assignment
Anwendbares Recht Applicable Law
Streitfragen Disputes
Lobby-Aktivitäten Lobbying Activity


Statistic (Page/Words/File size) Language File format Price
2 Documents:
German: 5 Pages / 1424 Words / 115 KB
English: 5 Pages / 1597 Words / 080 KB
German/English Adobe PDF 39,- €


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