Sample Contract German GmbH (Articles of Incorporation)
German Contract for the formation of a limited liability company; German text with English translation. Following issues are addressed:
§ 1 | Name and Domicile | [Firma und Sitz] |
§ 2 | Purpose of the Business | [Gegenstand des Unternehmens] |
§ 3 | Nominal capital | [Stammkapital] |
§ 4 | Management | [Geschäftsführung] |
§ 5 | Representation | [Vertretung] |
§ 6 | Advisory board | [Beirat] |
§ 7 | Shareholders’ meeting | [Gesellschafterversammlung] |
§ 8 | Shareholders’ resolutions | [Gesellschafterbeschlüsse] |
§ 9 | Financial year, annual account | [Geschäftsjahr, Jahresabschluß] |
§10 | Use of Proceeds | [Ergebnisverwendung] |
§11 | Contractual agreements concerning business shares | [Rechtsgeschäftliche Verfügungen über Geschäftsanteile] |
§12 | Duty to sell | [Veräußerungspflicht] |
§13 | Passing of shares through inheritance | [Anteilsübergang kraft Erbfolge] |
§14 | Withdrawal of business shares | [Einziehung von Geschäftsanteilen] |
§15 | Compensation for Withdrawal | [Einziehungsvergütung] |
§16 | Ending of the company, termination | [Beendigung der Gesellschaft, Kündigung] |
§17 | Public notices | [Bekanntmachungen] |
§18 | Costs of Incorporation | [Gründungsaufwand] |
§19 | Severability clause | [Salvatorische Klausel] |
Statistic (Page/Words/File size) | Language | File format | Price |
2 Documents: German: 15 Pages / 2538 Words / 160 KB English: 13 Pages / 3047 Words / 158 KB |
German/English | Adobe PDF | 50,- € |
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