Sample Contract Commercial Promissory Note

Many companies use a commercial promissory note to record a loan to their American subsidiary company or the like. The promissory reflects an instrument issued by the obligee to document the debt incurred by the obligor. Upon repayment of the debt the obligor can demand a receipt and the return of the instrument.

This sample contract addresses the rights and liabilities in connection with the relationship between the obligor and obligee.  An English translation is provideds:


The contract includes clauses on the following topics:

1) Zahlungsversprechen [Payment Bond]
2) Zinssatz [Interest Rate]
3) Zahlungsplan [Payment Schedule]
4) Vorauszahlung [Advance Payment]
5) Zahlungsverzug [Default]
6) Unschädlichkeitsklausel [Severability Clause]
7) Anwendbares Recht [Applicable Law]
8) Sonstiges [Miscellaneous]
9) Anlage, Tilgungsplan [Enclosure, Payment Schedule]


Statistic (Page/Words/File size) Language File format Price
2 Documents:
German: 3 Pages / 560 Words / 112 KB
English: 3 Pages / 677 Words / 104 KB
German/English Adobe PDF 39,- €


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