Treaties and Laws

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Convention Between USA and BRD for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Estates, Inheritances, and Gifts estateconv.pdf
Convention Abolishing The Requirement of Legalisation For Foreign Public Documents of 05.10.1961 hague2.pdf
Convention Concerning the Law to be Applied to the Form of Testaments of 05.10.1961 (in German) haager.pdf
Convention Concerning the International Administration of the Estates of Deceased Persons of02.10.1973 convention.pdf
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Friendship, Commerce and Navigation Treaty of 29.10.1954 treaty.pdf
North Atlantic Treaty of 04.04.1949 (in German) nordatlantik.pdf
Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America, executed on 29.10.1954 usa-brd-treaty.pdf
United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 10 June 1958) convention2.pdf



Administrative Disputes Resolution Act of 1996

Contract Disputes Act cda.pdf
Competition in Contracting Act of 1984 cca.pdf
Freedom of Information Act foia.pdf
Military Claims Act mca.pdf
Privacy Act of 1974 priv.pdf
Prompt Payment Act ppa.pdf
Procurement Integrity Act pia.pdf
Service Contract Act of 1965 sca.pdf
Trade Agreements Act of 1979 taa.pdf
Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access To Digitial Assets Act (2015) rufadda.pdf
Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act uniform.pdf
Uniform Recognition of Substitute Decision-Making Documents Act



Case Law

No cure for service of process under Hague Service Treaty (Translation from German) bgh.pdf



PR Nr. 30/53 (Allowable Prices – Government Contracts In German) verordnung.rtf