Sample Contract Consulting Agreement

The first step for many companies seeking to enter the American market is to engage the services of a consultant to assist in implementing the planned venture. This Sample contract provides a framework for defining the rights and responsibilities of the working relationship between the German Company and the America based consultant for the performance of consultancy services in the USA. German translation is provided.

The contract includes clauses on the following topics:


1) Laufzeit [Term]
2) Verpflichtungen und Dienstleistungen [Duties and Services]
3) Beratungshonorar [Consulting Fee]
4) Kündigung [Termination]
5) Untersagte Aktivitäten [Restricted Activities]
6) Eigentumsrechte [Proprietary Rights]
7) Rechtsbehelfe [Equitable Relief]
8) Verzichtserklärung
(a) Definitionen
(i) Konzepte und Ideen
(ii) Vertrauliche Informationen
(b) Nichtoffenlegung an Dritte
(c) Dokumente etc.
(d) Patente etc.
(e) Abtretung
(a) Definitions
(i) Concept and Ideas
(ii) Confidential Information
(b) Non-Disclosure to ThirdParties
(c) Documents etc.
(d) Patents etc.
(e) Assignment
9) Salvatorische Klausel, Änderungen [Severability, Reformation]
10) Abtretung [Assignment]
11) Überschriften [Headings]
12) Abänderungen [Amendments]
13) Kündigungen [Notices]
14) Ausfertigungen [Counterparts]
15) Anwendbares Recht [Governing Law]
16) Fortbestehen [Survival]


Statistic (Page/Words/File size) Language File format Price
2 Documents:
German: 6 Pages / 2100 Words / 124 KB
English: 5 Pages / 2280 Words / 104 KB
German/English Adobe PDF 49,- €


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